Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Wednesday, September 6,2023,  4: 28 PM

I do not go defining my behaviour into categories now. I am simply living the life now. I was tempted to define my living as a frugal laziness for the apparent lack in purpose and strife.  But what would you define a dried leaf that seemingly floats, carried by the wind wherever it takes? Surely it cannot be called a lazy leaf without purpose. It is living in the moment when time is immaterial, of no consequence. What the leaf witnesses is the constant passing of the day into night, and of the night into day. It does not judge itself, it does not carry regrets because, in the scheme of destiny, it recognises that it is only a leaf and nothing more than that. 

I may go to the yard today with my bow. I should not expect anything but to just pull the string and let loose the arrows on the target. I am not competing when I used to compete against myself, against my own expectations. I am my own worse enemy, with such cruel remarks for the mistakes that I had made. And it had not been limited to archery but everything else. I will just play like a child with his toy. I simply have to let go because I should be my own best friend and companion.

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